Efficient Urban Mobility: Lessons From Singapore For The Philippines

Lessons from Singapore

What Makes for Efficient Transport Management?

Learning from Singapore’s Best-Practice Smart Mobility Solutions

Singapore is a small island country, but it is recognized for its unparalleled urban mobility efficiency. Its world-renowned public transportation system offers residents a significant advantage in terms of reliability, effectiveness, and safety. The meticulously planned and expertly designed transport system is a source of pride for Singaporeans and a model for cities around the globe, serving as a testament to how effective urban mobility can enhance quality of life for residents and attract tourists to experience its wonders firsthand.

Singapore maintains its ongoing efforts in urban planning and mobility by addressing challenges and implementing innovative mobility solutions. This helps to achieve a high level of efficiency and convenience for both its residents and tourists across the country.

Challenges of an Evolving Country

The transportation infrastructure in Singapore was improved in the 1980s and 1990s through the installation of a network of trains, buses, and roads. Today, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) adapts to meet the needs of an expanding population despite limited land availability.

Singapore is known for its diverse culture, yet it poses significant challenges in mobility solutions planning due to ongoing changes. These include an aging population, a change in residents' lifestyles and needs, and a shortage of transportation workers. By 2030, a quarter of Singapore's population is expected to be over 65, resulting in physical mobility and labor challenges. In response to these challenges, Singapore aims to develop a sustainable transport system that promotes mass transit, reduces automobile dependence, and facilitates pedestrian and bicycle travel.

Strategic, Inclusive, and Sustainable Mobility Roadmap

To meet the current and future transportation challenges, the LTA develops a Land Transport MasterPlan 2040. This plan provides an efficient and highly accessible land transportation system while improving the commuter experience through a more inclusive and conducive environment for everyone.

LTA also considers the following aspects of strategic mobility planning to improve mobility efficiency:

  • 20-Minute Towns and 45-Minute City - In this plan, residents are expected to reach their closest neighborhood center within 20 minutes for essential needs. The agency also seeks to keep the travel time between home and work under 45 minutes, even during peak periods.
  • Better Roads and Public Transport Facilities - The LTA has developed a strategy to enhance the quality of road infrastructure and public transport facilities such as buses, taxis, MRTS, and ride-sharing services to ensure a 45-minute commute.
  • Enhanced Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Use of Smartphones - This enhances the integration of ITS and its sensors, equipment, and platforms using IoT and 5G technology to improve traffic management and optimize operations in real time.

Looking Forward to a Brilliantly Designed Seamless Transport System

The LTA strives for the long-term improvement of smart urban mobility through the use of advanced transportation systems, sophisticated sensors, communications, and applications to improve transportation services. The agency also collaborates with local and international partners to become familiar with emerging trends and adapt them to local conditions.

To strengthen safety and sustainability, the LTA plans to introduce a complete phase-out of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by 2040. Instead, Singapore will rely more heavily on electric vehicle technologies to lower its environmental impact. Singapore's transport master plan is inclusive and recognizes residents' diverse needs.

Advice to Filipinos

Developing a comprehensive master plan provides the foundation for establishing an efficient urban mobility system. Ideally, the plan should consider all aspects of transportation requirements, including infrastructure, quality service, mass transit, an efficient transportation network, and traffic management. These elements work together to create a reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective transport system that meets citizens' needs.

In line with the vision of Singapore's transportation system, MPT Mobility is committed to providing cutting-edge solutions and services for Filipinos to make transportation more convenient. Among the innovative data-driven digital mobility solutions offered by MPT Mobility include:

  • Byahe - A platform that facilitates modern Jeepney operations.
  • Dibz - A leading mobile app for smart parking solutions.
  • MPT Drivehub - An all-in-one travel companion app that takes care of the hassles of one’s journey when traveling along any MPTC Expressway.

With ongoing technology advancements, smart urban mobility has become a critical aspect of modern city living. Transforming our cities to offer smart mobility can help increase business effectiveness, sustainability, disaster mitigation, security, and the well-being of our communities.

Check out the MPT Mobility website or the MPT Mobility LinkedIn page for more information on the benefits of smart mobility and experience the future of urban transportation with MPT’s advanced mobility solutions.